DS & Algorithms Trees and Binary Trees

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using C# .NET Core — Binary Trees and Binary Search Tree (BST) Tree Traversal- II

Now that we have understood the basics of Tree & Binary Search Tree, the question is how we can read the data from each node, add a node, delete a node or search node (data) in a tree. To read data, we need to visit every node in the tree and this is called Tree Traversing. For […]

DS & Algorithms Trees and Binary Trees

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using C# .NET Core -Binary Trees and Binary Search Tree (BST)- I

Trees are one of the most common data structure used. A tree is a non-linear data structure that is used to store data in a hierarchical manner. In this article we will discuss about tree, then learn about binary tree along with an implementation of binary tree — the Binary Search Tree also knows as […]



Array are the simplest data structures, build into most programming languages and we use them to store list of items like list of numbers, string, objects and literally anything. These items get stored sequentially in memory. In many languages arrays are static – which means – when we allocate them we must specify their size […]